Yizzly (YZZY) a cryptocurrency, deployed on Binance Smart Chain

What is Yizzly coin?
Yizzly (YZZY) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on Binance Smart Chain(BSC BEP-20).
Yizzly blockchain technology will be used as a medium of exchange to facilitate the sale,
purchase, or trade of goods and services between other members on Yizzly.com.
Yizzly.com is a social utility that helps you meet people with your same interests. People of all
genders, all orientations, all colors, all religions, all cultures, all ages, all sizes, and all abilities.

What is the economics behind Yizzly coin?
Yizzly coin will serve its users with four economic functions: (1) a medium of exchange, (2) a
store of value, (3) a unit of account, and (4) a method of payment.
Yizzly coin possesses the 10 characteristics that all good currency should have: (1) it is durable,
(2) it is portable, (3) it is divisible, (4) it is uniform, (5) it is limited supply, (6) is it acceptable, (7) it
is liquid, (8) it is resistant to counterfeiting, (9) it is Legal tender, and (10) it is a unit of account.

What can users do with Yizzly coin?
Users will have the ability to spend them on Merchandise in our store.
Once Yizzly is listed on a Cryptocurrency Exchange,users will have the ability to trade them.
Yizzly is a cryptocurrency, thus users can hold them in their crypto wallet and spend it at a later
Finally, users can use them as a medium of exchange to facilitate the sale, purchase, or trade of
goods and services between other members on Yizzly.com.

$Yizzly coin is up 1900%. If you hand bought $50. Worth of $Yizzly coin you would have had $950 within 2weeks.
This is only the beginning of going to the moon. Soon we will be on coinmarketcap and coingecko to get more investors. Don’t miss out!

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