Presenting the purrfect solution to decentralized token liquidity

Presenting the purrfect solution to decentralized token liquidity.
Liquidity is automatically generated with Sweetest Tiniest Cute Baby Kitty.

There is an 8% tax on every transaction that funds additional liquidity and 1% reflected back to the earner over time.

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Kittens are adorable. At FuckJannies.Finance, we love kittens, especially the Sweetest Tiniest Cute Baby Kitties.
Liquidity has been added and burned for three separate pools – PregnantButt, FuckJannies and BNB.

Our mission is to create a cross-token ecosystem where the liquidity of one token is the liquidity of the next.
To that end, when Sweetest Tiniest Cute Baby Kitty launched, it was backed by FuckJannies and Pregnant Butt, two meme tokens with proven staying power.
The unexpected benefit to this was a smoothed price curve; when price increased rapidly, these two liquidity pools would sell Kitty and stabilize things.
Likewise, in a dip the pools will buy Kitty and help ease investor fears.
We have established a community with high investor trust by providing a stable foundation; burned (and therefore, eternal) liquidity, unique β€œtokenomics”,
and high-quality cross pollination of memes. The pump of one token is the pump of the next.
With that in mind, we will launch new tokens in the future with the same base of burned liquidity, multiple liquidity pools,
auto-generated liquidity, and new features besides. We look forward to our journey together!


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