$KTO Token: Based on Ethereum network aim to set a new standard for staking stability and returns

Kounotori aims to level the playing field with its planned staking platform, creating a user-friendly experience for investors both big and small. By providing high rates of return for those staking our token, as well as other trusted tokens that we partner with, Kounotori aims to set a new standard for staking stability and returns on the Ethereum network.

Our token, $KTO, is built on the Ethereum block chain (ERC-20) with a number of anti-manipulation features built into its contract, including a maximum buy/sell amount in any single transaction and a maximum hold amount per wallet. Other features include;

Our token, $KTO, is built on the Ethereum block chain (ERC-20) with a number of anti-manipulation features built into its contract, including a maximum buy/sell amount in any single transaction and a maximum hold amount per wallet. Other features include;

Sliding Tax Scale
Our token has the power to adjust reflections to holders or to the treasury depending on market conditions.

ETH Marketing Wallet
No more price drops should we need to pay for marketing. We also have the power to buy back tokens to benefit our project.

Incredible Reflections
Anything up to 9% reflections to holders, with the minimum received being 3%.

We believe that transparency is the key to a safe and secure investor experience. Measures we have taken to honour this include;

Fully doxxed developer team
CERTIK audit of contract after launch
SOLIDPROOF KYC evaluation applied for on launch day
Regular Video AMAs on telegram
Multi-sig 4/5 gnosis protocol
Marketing wallet address will be public
LP Locked to Unicrypt
Team tokens will be vested for 12 months

Our team is made up of a group of crypto-enthusiasts that have grown tired of rug-pulls, honeypots, and devs that, quite frankly, have no idea how to treat their community or their project. Although none of the core team have coding knowledge, we have the freedom to carefully choose the right people for the jobs needed rather than rely on the limitations of an in house team.

We endeavour to provide an honest, clean project, that will always listen to its people. After all, without the will of the people, the investors, the storks braving the depths; this project cannot be a success.


Our token has seen incredible levels of interest pre-launch and therefore we expect some scam copies to appear and try to trick our future #storkholders into investing in the wrong token. Please be aware that our ticker is $KTO and our token name is Kounotori. There are no official baby, mini, super-mega inu versions of our token and we are only on the Ethereum network.

Official Contract Address. Copy & paste into Uniswap.

Create a New Wallet
Register an account through a company such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or Coinbase Wallet. You will need to send Ethereum (ETH) to your wallet. This can be either purchased in the wallet itself or sent from an exchange such as Binance, KuCoin, or Coinbase.

Connect Your Wallet
Go to Uniswap V2 via their website or through the wallets in-app browser and click on ‘Connect Wallet’. Click on ‘Add Token’, copy and paste the $KTO contract address from this website, and click on ‘Import’.

Adjust the Slippage
Click on the settings cog and adjust the slippage. 11-13% is recommended for normal market conditions.

Buy $KTO
Select the amount of $KTO you wish to purchase. Please note that you will need to keep some ETH behind to pay for gas fees. Click on ‘Swap’ and take a moment to consider the fees. You can make further adjustments to speed up the transaction if required, although this will cost you more ETH. Click on ‘Confirm Swap’ once you are ready to make the purchase. After a short while, the new $KTO balance will show in your wallet. Congratulations! You are now a #storkholder.

Check Litepaper

More info at:
Telegram: https://t.me/kounotoritoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kounotoritoken

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