French Bulldog – $FRENCHIE The 1st deflationary dog coin

French Bulldog is an ERC-20 and BEP-20 compliant token with special features. The French Bulldog token (FRENCHIE) is a multi-chain fungible token currently supported as a BEP-20 token on the Binance Smart Chain and as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network. These blockchains share the total fixed supply of tokens, and a trustless bridge exists on both networks to enable holders to transfer their tokens to whichever blockchain suits their financial needs. Cross-chain bridge French Bulldog users are able to bridge their tokens from the Ethereum network to the Binance Smart Chain and vice versa in minutes. The cross-chain exchange is powered by the Moontography platform.

French Bulldog is a deflationary token. That means every transaction burns 1% of the bought/sold amount. Our Max Supply was FRENCHIE. We have a 6% tax on every transaction, 2% goes to the Team Wallet, 3% goes to the Marketing Wallet and 1% get burned!
Notice: The Team Wallet is also a liquidity wallet!


Buy on Pancakeswap

Set Slippage to 6-7%!
Poocoin Chart

$FRENCHIE is the best friend of $DeFido,
Nano$INDC, $FLOKI, $SHIB and $Doge.

01 β€”
$FRENCHIE is deflationary!

02 β€”
Dev & Team wallets are cold storage secured

03 β€”
Liquidity locked

04 β€”

05 β€”
6% Tax = 2% Team & Liquidity Wallet + 3% Marketing Wallet & 1% get burned!

06 β€”
Earn more Coins with Staking



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